What if you could see that you're more than a label?
What if your difference is really your gift?
What if you knew how to connect to your spirit?
What if hearing your soul could lead to your shift?
What if the work was about your connection
To the source that gives you the power?
What if believing is not in the seeing?
What if love's the connection with your own heart?
What if allowing yourself just to be you,
without all the masks, that hide who you are?
What if all there is to know is within you?
What if you could access all of your power?
What if you realised your energy is everything
And you learned how to prioritse that?
What if you let go of the thoughts that consume you
And allowed yourself to dream....think about that?
What if you trusted the guidance within you?
What if that led you, to where you should be?
What if you knew that you're already worthy?
What if you're healed and there's nothing to fix?
What if abundance was all that surrounds you?
What if you're keeping yourself stuck in lack?
What if one little change revealed it all for you
And you felt that weight shift when you understood that?
What if you tapped into higher intelligence?
What if you stopped yourself blocking your soul?
What if your ancestors are all stood around you
Trying to guide you out of your hole?
What if you remembered you are loved and supported
All you need, is, to breathe deep and connect,?
What if you remembered you're a miraculous being
a star in this universe, how magical is that?
written by Katie Carey (10/10/2021)
Photo by Greg Rakozy
